To qualify for consideration for appointment as Master Cadet, a cadet must: have qualified at APC Star 4; complete one additional course or Progressive or Unique Star 4 subject; be commended by letter from his Detachment Commander for work at detachment level and from the Area Commander for commitment to the Area; and, attend a Master Cadet Course at the Cadet Training Centre (CTC) and be recommended for the award in their Course Report.

Note: At this stage, the cadet must have completed the Senior Cadets Instructor’s Cadre (SCIC) either while qualifying for Star 4 or Post Star 4. Fieldcraft must be also passed as a progressive subject if not already covered as part of Star 4 Training.


The Master Cadet Course (Barbados Model) was developed based on the ACF Model as outlined at paragraphs 1 and 2 above. Training for this course has evolved since 2009 and has been structured as follows:

a. In order to qualify for consideration as a Master Cadet, candidates must have successfully completed their Star 4 Training Course.

b. They must complete the Senior Cadet Instructor Course (SCIC).  This Course MUST include:

  • Leadership (LDR)
  • Method of Instruction (MOI)
  • Public Speaking (PSK)

c. They must demonstrate their commitment to the BCC through regular attendance at Unit and Corps activities.

d. They must show evidence of outstanding  performance at Units and Corps level through active participation in the Central Recruit Programme, or any other training activity as detailed by BCC HQ over three terms.   

e. They must demonstrate efficiency at Unit and national training camps, and where available, overseas camps or the International Cadet Challenge Camp (ICCC).

f. They must show evidence of active participation in National Parades.

Note Candidates may only qualify as Master Cadets one year after completing their Star 4 Course.